Similar words: bubble, bubble up, puzzle over, bubbly, bubbling, rubble, stubble, move over. Meaning: v. overflow with a certain feeling.
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1. The pupils were bubbling over with excitement.
2. They were bubbling over with excitement.
3. She was bubbling over with excitement.
4. They bubbled over with joy at the good news.
5. He was quite tireless, bubbling over with vitality.
6. She was bubbling over with happiness and enthusiasm.
7. Mary was bubbling over with excitement.
8. She was bubbling over with excitement/enthusiasm.
9. Mary fairly bubbles over with high spirits.
10. He was bubbling over with excitement.
11. The audience bubbled over with laughter.
12. The last time I saw him he was bubbling over with enthusiasm.
12. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
13. And how they bubbled over with enthusiasm.
14. And then it was Lois at the door, glad to see Ted, bubbling over at him.
15. She could certainly bubble over on Occasions but it was never a one-woman show.
16. Tired eyes flashing in the rearview mirror, childish enthusiasm bubbling over.
17. Tony Paignton, although only twenty-one and a merry-faced person bubbling over with fun, was an intensely serious young man.
18. Then excitement seemed to bubble over inside her.
19. My heart will join with yours and bubble over with effervescent adoration.
20. Look after the milk on the stove. Don't let it bubble over.
21. The old model of research, of putting people in a bubble over, he says.
22. Type: Thirty-second webcam recordings or video uploads that appear in a video bubble over the Twitter web interface.
23. The competent authorities concerned that the influx of funds caused by a new bubble over.
More similar words: bubble, bubble up, puzzle over, bubbly, bubbling, rubble, stubble, move over, hubble's law, be over, come over, ice over, moreover, give over, tide over, makeover, make over, take over, pore over, takeover, freeze over, glance over, bridge over, grieve over, preside over, hubbub, overblew, irrecoverable, incontrovertible, over and over.